b'Sumitomo Corporationsglobal cosmetic teamin April 2022 at In-Cosmetics Global, the leadingevent for the personalcare industry. The acquisition of SACI-CFPA in 2019 expandedfrom (hemi) cellulosic feedstock, and is derived from Sumitomo Corporations business in the Europeannon-food, waste and biomass such as corncobs and market and brings a diverse ingredient portfolio frombagasse. various regions around the world. Sumitomo hasSCOA in collaboration with SC Tokyo, SCBR and integrated SACI-CFPA into its growing cosmetic dis- each cosmetic business group companies have been tribution network, harnessing the synergy of a sharedworking to find opportunities thorough innovative product portfolio, R&D and formulation knowledgetechnology in the field of eco-friendly materials, said of fellow group companies Presperse, Cosmotec, Nobu Uchida, Head of SCOAs Life Science Unit, Summit Cosmetics, and now SACI-CFPA.which has an increasing demand from customers due Our global cosmetic team celebrated the worldwideto recent movements of emphasizing eco-friendliness launch of two green products at InCosmetics this and sustainability, along with regulations getting stricter. year: Biosilica, and NXT SOLV Line, explainedOur team has been working to generate organic Daniele Silva, Global Suppliers and Product Managergrowth & aiming to develop a world class business in SCOAs Life Science Unit. Our SC group that provides differentiated green ingredients for the company SACI-CFPA exhibited these new linespersonal care market through promotion of its existing when meeting with customers. green portfolio. The launch of Bio Silica and NXT Silva explained that silica is used widely in person- SOLV signifies our next step forward towards our al care products and cosmetics, and is traditionallyinorganic strategy, which we aim to promote growth sourced from non-renewable sand dredging, which re- by acquiring innovative green technology that will quires significant energy consumption and emits largechange the landscape of the industry and allow us to amounts of C0 2 . Sustainable and renewable Biosilica,expand upstream to build a Technology Platform.one of the two aforementioned products spotlightedThis years conference had 732 exhibitors, 8091 at the event, is derived from rice husk ashes and hasunique visitors, and a total of 14,090 visitors including similar or better performance characteristics comparedrepeat attendees, with 111 countries represented,to industry benchmarks. It can be used in foundations,Silva said. For our two stands in the sustainabilitycreams, lotions; it is also used as a sustainable and bettercorner, we had 352 leads combined, which meansperforming alternative to extractive silica, and offers anthat number of attendees scanned their contact alternative to micro plastics. The second product line,information and signed up to obtain additional info NXT SOLV, has a proprietary solvent, bio-derivedregarding our products.Sumitomo Corporation of Americas 7'