b'E X E C U T I V E I N T E R V I E WNew President and CEO: Collaboration and a Winning Spirit is the Recipe for Success O n April 1, 2022, Sumitomo Corporation of Americas(SCOA) welcomed its new President & CEO and GMof SC Americas, Mr. Tomonori Tom Wada. Mr. Wada previously served as GM of the Living Related Business Group and Silicon Valley Office for SCOA and also held executive-level positions in Sumitomo Corporation HQ and in Europe. We spoke with him about the experience he brings to the role and the vision he has for SCOA and SC Americas in the future.How have previous positions youve held prepared you for this role? Before coming here I was working together with one of our major group companies in Europe. As you know, our business has really changed in this last decade from a traditional trading company (sogo shosha) to more of a business investment model. Now, very often our perspective is as an owner, or should I say a stakeholder, and seeing how we can motivate the company to grow and con-tribute to society from an owners perspective. We examine howand experience for the task. Most important is that we leverage we work together with our group companies to leverage the bestthe diversity in our employee base and integrate the best of all management practices. How does an owner work together withthe different cultures that make up the regions where we do those who actually conduct the daily business? And as an owner,business. In order for us to remain competitive we need local how do we communicate our high-level goals? How do we shareexpertise and insight so we are concentrating on being inclusive our thoughts and how do we align ourselves so the company canof all our talent and identify those who have the right skills for achieve success? Working with a European group company was athe challenge at hand. The balance and integration should be good experience for me to have as our company is developing itsharmonious. role as an owner and not just a trader. After two years of pandemic restrictions, we are getting So youre a leader with a fresh perspective. What are thecloser to a world that seems a little bit like the normal areas that you already see SC Americas needs to makewe used to know. What are our highest priorities at this change, either within the organization or in the businessmoment for a successful future as we come out of this environment? You know, where are the opportunities? unprecedented time?Today, so much of our business is conducted by our groupWell, first of all, we place the highest priority on the safety of our companies and not directly by us. I think we need to maintain aemployeesthat is most important. Number two is leveraging more mid- to long-term perspective of how our companies shouldthe benefits of this new way of working. I dont think anyone grow. Not just talking about what you are going to do tomorrow orknows the best solution at this point in time, however with all the next week, but being able to have a birds eye view of the entirenew technologies, we should understand that situations arise industry. We should envision the role of each company, what kindand processes & policies are born to help us adapt and still of changes we need to anticipate, and ensure the managementremain productive and profitable. Considering this, the future team and group company are aligned with their shared goals formay be a hybrid office and workstyle and we will do our best the future. to balance the assurance of safety and the best practices for How should we be leveraging our most valuable resource?efficiency and maintaining a cohesive corporate culture. Theres That is, our people. no one answer to this. The concept of an in-person handshake agreement may be the goal, but you dont have to have that We want the right person in the right place. This means that we24-7. As the restrictions ease, I think we can choose what to do. staff by placing the most suitable person based on knowledgeDifferent jobs require different ways to do our work, so I believe Sumitomo Corporation of Americas 3'