b'F R O M T H E E D I T O R SDear Visions Readers:F Visions or some, the commonalities between the mushrooms that grace our cover andmay not be readily apparent, even though the connective phraseology could be rooted [sic] in anything from midnight pizza delivery to a summer in San Francisco in the 1960s. That said, the crossover here is between ourbeloved quarterly magazine coverage and a SC Food Group mushroom grower called Highline, whose recent presence at a produce convention garnered a coveted award among its industry peers.As much as our company values its sometimes unconventional methods, we move on from one convention, making the jump from foodstuffs to performance chemicals by winningto another in this issue of Visionsyet another award at the heralded In-Cosmetics show in Paris this year. And as we know that mushrooms flourish as they grow in the dark often unseen, our new President and CEO of SCOA and SC Americas General Manager Tom Wada has extensive experience in shining a light on ourbest practices in previous positions, actually having led the SCOA Living Related Business Group in one of his previous assignments. Mr. Wada looks to grow our businesses with cultivation of seeds planted long agothose of our SC Valuesand sees a bountiful harvest continuing to fill our baskets. We hope you enjoy this full plate of Visions. Sincerely,The Visions Editors,Sumitomo Corporation of Americas, Corporate CommunicationsVisionsVISIONSSTAFFmagazine is published quarterly by Sumitomo Corporation of Americas,Stephen Pitalo, Managing Editor Submissions and inquiries are welcome.a wholly-owned subsidiary of SumitomoStephen.Pitalo@sumitomocorp.comCorporation, one of the worlds leading traders and distributors of commodities,Amy Babcock, Executive Editor Printed on industrial goods and consumer goods. amy.babcock@sumitomocorp.com recycled paper.Besides its role as a trader, SumitomoJewelle Yamada, Editor EmeritusCorporation is an investor in a diversejewelle-k.yamada@sumitomocorp.comrange of businesses that positionsthe company in markets with long-termMami Uno, Editorial Assistantpotential. mami.uno@sumitomocorp.comDesign/Production, Stanton Design Groupstantondesigngroup@mac.comhttp://sumitomocorpofamericas.com2 visions Spring 2022'