b'C O R P O R A T E S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y SCOA Foundation and 100SEED: MakingGood on our Commitment to Give BackS COA Foundation, SCOAs philanthropic arm that is dedicated to providing financialsupport to a broad range of cultural, educational, research and community activi-ties and institutions in the United States, as well as disaster relief, continued its robust agenda of helping, contributing and enriching lives and the world this past year. With an eye toward Sumitomo Groups social materiality agenda, SCOA Foundation also provides employees opportunities for volunteer work hours, charitable donationsand other outreach.Japan Day2022New YorkCItyWithin the ESG agenda, sustainability has emerged as one of the universal goals of businesses and individuals across the world. SC and SCOA have understood this for decades, even centuries, so much that the mission of sustainability has come to be a part of the companys DNA. The corporate vision has declared we aim to be a global organi-zation that constantly stays a step ahead in dealing with change, creates new value, and contributes broadly to society. As a global citizen, SC initiates that vision through projects that foster more sustainable development, reflecting a legacy that can be traced back to the 1800s; during that time, Sumitomo relocated its profitable Besshi Mine operation to a remote island, and transformed the original mining area through reforestation into a green oasis for the community.Sumitomo Corporation of Americas fulfills its promises through various means, including its annual donation to educational institutions such as the Columbia Business School Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB). SCOA Foundation also established a campaign in recent years by which employees can request that the foundation make financial contributions up to $1,000 to a charity they select. 10 visions Spring 2022'