b'As a longstanding advocate for the clean economy transition,stands alongside its partners in advocating environmental sustain-Allotrope Partners LLC actively invests in projects and companiesability. With cutting-edge technologies, equipment, and services, that champion sustainability. Having deeply ingrained themselvesAxens covers the entire value chain, from feasibility studies to within the Northern California biomass community, the companyinitiating and supporting units throughout their lifecycle.has built strong relationships with key stakeholders, includingThis groundbreaking partnership between SCOA, Allotrope foresters, farming organizations, lumber producers, and biomassPartners LLC, and Axens highlights the innovative initiatives within power companies. Through their collaboration with Axens, Allo- the energy sector, demonstrating a shared commitment to ESG trope has identified a pipeline of bioethanol plants situated nearprinciples and sustainability goals. By exercising their collective abundant woody materials, further solidifying their commitment toexpertise and resources, these industry leaders are driving the a greener future. transition towards a carbon-neutral society, all while prioritizing Axens Group, renowned for providing a comprehensive range ofthe well-being of communities and the environment.solutions for the conversion of oil and biomass into cleaner fuels, Futurol As the outcome of a 10 years R&D project, with extensive opera-Hydrolysis & Fermentation: tion of our pre-commercial and industrial scale plants, FuturolTwo different operations are performed simultaneously using offers a unique and reliable4-step conversion process: biocatalysts: enzymatic hydrolysis of the pretreated biomass into sugar monomers and fermentation of these sugars into ethanol Biomass Pretreatment: Lignocellulosic biomass is decon- by yeasts.structed into its three major components: cellulose, hemicellu-lose and lignin. It produces a standardized and homogeneous Products Recovery:Fermented mash from Hydrolysis &substrate with excellent properties. Fermentation is treated to separate and recover the different Biocatalysts production:Required biocatalysts (microorgan- products: fuel grade ethanol, lignin, clarified stillage and CO2.isms) are produced on site using a fraction of the substrate from Pretreatment: enzymes (secreted from fungi cultures) and yeasts (propagated from dried yeast).Sumitomo Corporation of Americas 9'