b'AEROSPACE & DEFENSECONTINUEDSpinLaunch is poised for growth as we continue to produceThe alliance between Sumitomo and SpinLaunch, therefore, high performance end-to-end space solutions at the lowestrepresents more than a mere strategic corporate collab-cost in the marketplace, said Jonathan Yaney, Founder andoration. It signals a convergence of shared visions, where CEO of SpinLaunch. This collaboration signifies our sharedtechnological advances and commercial endeavors coexist commitment to delivering innovative and sustainable spacewith a solid commitment to sustainability and planetary solutions for our customers. We are excited about the poten- stewardship. This future invites the global community to look tial of this strategic partnership and our ability to collectivelyskywards, with the assurance that the pursuit of outer space expand our technology capabilities and bring massiveis balanced with a respect for and commitment to preserving disruption to the space economy. our planet. Sumitomo, not just a silent partner, intends to augment theSCOA and SpinLaunch invite the market to picture a future reach and application of SpinLaunchs technology interna- where the skies are no longer filled with the smoky trails tionally to provide accessible space solutions that stitch to- of rockets but instead are pierced by the swift, sustainable gether both national security and private sector applications,flights of kinetic launches. With SpinLaunchs systems offer-driven by the precise, potent propulsion of SpinLaunchsing a significant reduction in required fuel, a tenfold decrease technological slingshot. SpinLaunch, with its inception plant- in costs, the company can also boast its ability to launch ed firmly in 2014, is leading a quiet, yet potent, revolution inrepeatedly within a single day.space access, and Sumitomo has decided to swing on thatIt would seem that the combination of SpinLaunchs innova-star. tive technology and Sumitomos global aerospace business With a substantial increase in demand for satellite-based ser- acumen are poised to slay the proverbial giants of unsustain-vices in telecommunication and broadcasting, affordable andable space exploration.rapid launch capacity has paradoxically decreased. This sce-nario not only creates a notable bottleneck in the commercial and governmental sectors but underscores an imperative to develop environmentally sound space solutions.12 visions Fall 2023'