b'A E R O S P A C E & D E F E N S ESpinLaunch Catapults SC Group into theFuture of Sustainable Space ExplorationThe realms of space have become the new frontierfor businesses and governments alike. One couldsay that Sumitomo Corporation Group, as David, has flung a notably smaller yet no less ambitious contender into the arena against Goliaths such as SpaceX, Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic; that young upstart stands tall in the form of strategic partner SpinLaunch. With the scrappy, unexpected engineering that operates sans a cumbersome rocket, but harnesses nimble, efficient, and sustainable technology, SpinLaunch dares to go head-to-head against the current billionaire-backed titans of space industry.But the parallels of this Biblical reference dont stop there; justSumitomo is developing strategic partnerships to ensure as Davids sling propelled a simple stone with precision andthe sustainable use of space becomes a reality in Japan power, SpinLaunchs technology employs the modern-dayand worldwide, said Takao Kusaka, Executive Officer and equivalent of an actual slingshot to ensure small satellitesGeneral Manager for Sumitomo Corporations Lease, Ship reach their celestial targets without the burden of excessive& Aerospace Business Division. We are currently involved costs or environmental impact. SpinLaunch can currentlyin the development and operation of commercial satellite propel small satellites into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) without theconstellations, space life support, and on-orbit servicing, and customary heft of rocket fuel and infrastructure. This ground- SpinLaunchs capabilities to further advance low-cost space based technology enables a cost-effective, high-frequency,launch solutions is a major asset for us, our customers, and and sustainable method that can reduce the traditionalstakeholders.rockets fuel and structure requirements by more than 70%.SpinLaunch readiesfor its next mission.Also below left isa vehicle from SCOA Group CompanySunstate Equipmentassisting the operation.10 visions Fall 2023'