b'But How Does This Really Work?Lets break downhow SpinLaunchssystem physicallylaunches itslaunch vehicle,step-by-step.6. Deploying the Satellite1. Using a Mass Accelerator Tunnel Once the correct orbit is achieved, The core of SpinLaunchs approachthe satellite is deployed to perform is a ground-based mass accelerator,Vacuum its intended functions, which might which essentially uses electric pow- chamberrange from telecommunications, er to achieve high-speed rotation ofweather monitoring, or other tech-the launch vehicle in a vacuum. Thenological applications. Depending mass accelerator spins the launchon the design and purpose, satellite vehicle at an incredibly high velocityconstellations may be deployedwithin a circular vacuum-sealedto work in tandem, providingchamber, reducing the resistancesglobal coverage or enhancedtypically faced during a convention- data collection capabilities.al launch. Rotating 2. Achieving High-Velocityarm 5. Reaching Low EarthRotation Orbit (LEO)The launch vehicle is rotated toAdditional propulsion may bespeeds up to 5,000 mph within theengaged (if necessary) to correctaccelerator, leveraging a vast amountthe trajectory and ensure that theof kinetic energy, which is crucial forRocket launch vehicle reaches its intendedthe subsequent projectile phase orbit in LEO. The significant reduc-into space. This acceleration phasetion in fuel required for this phase effectively eliminates the need for the is due to the massive kinetic energy vast majority of the fuel that rocketsalready provided by the ground-based typically utilize to break free fromaccelerator.Earths gravitational pull.3. Launching into Suborbital Path 4. Navigating through the StratosphereOnce the required speed is achieved, the launch The launch vehicle exits the stratosphere withoutvehicle is launched into a suborbital trajectory. utilizing rockets, which essentially means zeroUnlike traditional rockets, SpinLaunchs vehicleemissions in the crucial layers of the atmosphere.achieves a significant portion of the The design ensures that the vehicle can handlenecessary velocity for orbit while still on temporary high temperatures, with thethe ground, thus requiring less in-flighttip acting as a heat sink to absorbpropulsion and thereby reducing aerothermal loads. fuel usage by around four times.(continued)Sumitomo Corporation of Americas 11'