b'E X E C U T I V E I N T E R V I E WSC Mexico President Seeks BusinessDevelopment Through Curiosity and Opportunity Sumitomo Corporation Mexico (SCMX) President Hiroshi Shiraishi oversees one of the most unique entities of SC Americas. Connecting to businesses and processes in both the United States and South America, SCMX serves as a hub of both traditional market production as well as business development for tomorrows opportunities. We spoke with Mr. Shiraishi about the current state of business and what he sees on the horizon for SCMX. You became President of Sumitomo Corporation de Mexico (SCMX) in April 2021. What experience in your previousSumitomo positions gave you the experience forthis position? Above: Hiroshi Shiraishi, Sumitomo Corporation That is a very good question. Previously in my career, I wasMexico (SCMX) President the department general manager for Sumitomos shipping business. After that, I had an assignment as President ofmy own, since our working style changed due to COVID.In Sumitomo Corporation in the Philippines, so I have experienceorder to understand each other internally and externally to of working as the president, and yet, this a quite different ex- establish trust based relationship and to minimize the unex-perience. And of course, the culture is different, as are manypected risk or damage under current circumstance com-things, but I have experience in global trading and shipping,munication is the most important area for improving and we so I can view situations more globally, more internationally.have to improve its quality. I always make a point to explain What are the areas that you see SC Mexico constantly im- this to every staff member. Not only does communication keep proving, from a management standpoint?us all within the same understanding of our business, all such As everyone knows, more than three years have passed sincecommunication has to be based on civility and trust. the moment when the pandemic started, and there were fourWhat are the growing markets in the region that benefit SC times considered critical peaks in Mexico. At the outset,Mexico?SCMX organized a COVID19 committee immediately, makingI believe that positioning of Mexico currently extends globally great efforts to establish and implement safety protocolsdue to several reasons. The current Mexican Presidents in accordance with rules and regulations of SC Group, asadministration is criticized as populism, and the U.S. govern-well as other external authorities such as federal and localment is showing the clear intention and strategy of integrating government. COVID monitoring and providing appropriateMexico as a basement for near-shoring the supply chain. instructions did minimize the risk. I do appreciate their dedica- Even though there are a few pending issues between two tion, and we are now at the stage of maintaining that hybridnations like the energy issue and more, SCMX is in a unique working style effectively. We learned that we must take intoposition for gaining opportunity. account when employees have a 60 or 90 minute commute,At the same time, due to decoupling issue between China and learning just how to use our time most effectively. Going for- U.S., China has aggressively approached and increased the ward at SCMX, we have to assess and improve the most idealtrade volume and investment in Mexico and Latin American style for hybrid working. countries, which are aiming to enhance business in the EV How do you maintain communications with your employeesmarket in these region and indirectly into the U.S. market. This that helps move everyone forward, keep everything positiveserves as another opportunity for SCOA and SCMX. Now, in and maintain the trust between employee and employer?terms of domestic business in Mexico, we have enhanced our Improvement of quality of communication is the most import- business portfolio management, which covers public sectors ant area I have emphasized and expedited action, includingsuch as federal government projects like the Maya Train as well as local government projects such as those involving the 10 visions Spring 2023'