b'C O N T I N U E DThis technologyallows for unmatched control capabilities, more efficientworkflow, construction processsimplification, improvedsafety improvement,and a reductionof expenses.Our entire team is focused on how we can takeAccording to Koji Takeda, Vice President of Planning care of our customers and help make them becomeand Development at Linder, Topcon Positioning gives more efficient and profitable. Im looking forward to aLinder additional capability. The technology will help future where Linder and Topcon Positioning continueus not only work smarter and more productively but to grow this market, Wilkes said. also to make working environment safer. Linder will By this acquisition, Linder can provide not only tech- pursue a goal to be a one stop solution provider with nologically updated Komatsu equipment, but also aadvanced technologies for construction.more economic option for the customers, said YasuakiLinders nine locations in the Carolinas will offerShigemura, Senior Director and Head of SCOAsTopcon Positioning products; the six in North Carolina Construction Equipment Unit. Linder is definitelyare in Asheville, Concord, Greenville, High Point,committed to the growth of the smart constructionRaleigh, and Wilmington. The three in South Carolina market, and smart construction helps contractors toare in Columbia, Greer, and Ladson.develop safer, more efficient working environments, asBesides those mentioned already, Linders product offer-well as make them more profitable.ings include base and rover systems, rotating lasers, pipe lasers and other select but necessary industry products.Dozer Systems Excavator SystemsHigh Point RaleighAsheville NORTH CAROLINAConcord GreenvilleGreerSOUTH CAROLINA WilmingtonColumbiaLinders ninelocations in the LadsonCarolinas will offer Topcon PositioningproductsGrader Systems Base & Rover Kits8 visions Spring 2021'